class CfgPatches
class CRDTN_Client_Creatures
units[] = { "CRDTN_PhantomWolfGrey", "CRDTN_PhantomWolfWhite" };
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 0.1;
requiredAddons[] = { "DZ_Data", "DZ_Scripts", "DZ_Animals", "CRDTN_Core" };
defines[] = {"CRDTN_Creatures"};
class CfgMods
class CRDTN_Client_Creatures
name = "FOX Coradiation ClientMod for the Creatures";
credits = "Big Kudos to guys from the Renegade Stalker Server for providing valuable information";
author = "FoxApoGames - Freeman";
type = "mod";
dependencies[] = {"Game", "World"};
dir = "CRDTN_Client_Creatures";
class defs
class gameScriptModule
value = "";
files[] = {"CRDTN_Client_Creatures/Scripts/3_Game"};
class worldScriptModule
value = "";
files[] = {"CRDTN_Client_Creatures/Scripts/4_World"};
class CfgVehicles
class HouseNoDestruct;
class CRDTN_FX_Phantom_Spawn: HouseNoDestruct
scope = 2;
weight = 99999999;
class CRDTN_FX_Phantom_Despawn: HouseNoDestruct
scope = 2;
weight = 99999999;
class AnimalBase;
class Animal_CanisLupus: AnimalBase
class CRDTN_CreaturePhantomWolfBase: Animal_CanisLupus
simulation = "dayzanimal";
scope = 0;
model = "\DZ\animals\canis_lupus\canis_lupus.p3d";
displayName = "Phantom Dog";
descriptionShort = "$STR_CfgVehicles_Animal_CanisLupus1";
hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo", "CamoHair"};
DamageSphereAmmos[] = {"MeleeWolf"};
aiAgentTemplate = "Predators_Wolf";
injuryLevels[] = {1.0, 0.5, 0.2, 0.0};
// Phantom Variables
phantomType = "Animal_CanisLupus_White"; // Set on the subclasses
phantomCount = 5; // Max phantom count
phantomSpawnTimer = 3; // Interval of spawning in seconds
phantomCheckTimer = 1; // Interval of checking in seconds
phantomRadius = 10; // Spawn Radius
phantomEffectDistance = 30; // Meters
phantomSize = 0.2;
class DamageSystem
class GlobalHealth
class Health
// 600 HP - can be increased
hitpoints = 1200;
healthLevels[] = {{1.0, {}}, {0.7, {}}, {0.5, {}}, {0.3, {}}, {0.0, {}}};
class Blood
hitpoints = 5000;
class Shock
hitpoints = 100;
class DamageZones
class Zone_Head
componentNames[] = {"Zone_Head"};
transferToZonesNames[] = {};
transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
fatalInjuryCoef = 0.15;
canBleed = 0;
class Health
hitpoints = 120;
transferToGlobalCoef = 1;
class Blood: Health
hitpoints = 0;
class Shock: Health
hitpoints = 0;
class Zone_Neck: Zone_Head
componentNames[] = {"Zone_Neck"};
transferToZonesNames[] = {};
transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
class Health: Health
hitpoints = 100;
class Zone_Chest: Zone_Head
componentNames[] = {"Zone_Chest"};
transferToZonesNames[] = {};
transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
class Health: Health
hitpoints = 150;
class Zone_Belly: Zone_Head
componentNames[] = {"Zone_Belly"};
transferToZonesNames[] = {};
transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
class Health: Health
hitpoints = 150;
class Zone_Spine: Zone_Head
componentNames[] = {"Zone_Spine_Front", "Zone_Spine_Back"};
transferToZonesNames[] = {};
transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
class Health: Health
hitpoints = 150;
class Zone_Pelvis: Zone_Head
componentNames[] = {"Zone_Pelvis"};
transferToZonesNames[] = {"Zone_Spine"};
transferToZonesCoefs[] = {0.5};
fatalInjuryCoef = 0.05;
class Health: Health
hitpoints = 180;
class Zone_Legs: Zone_Head
componentNames[] = {"Zone_Legs_Front", "Zone_Legs_Back"};
transferToZonesNames[] = {};
transferToZonesCoefs[] = {};
fatalInjuryCoef = 0.0;
class Health: Health
hitpoints = 100;
class Skinning
class ObtainedSteaks
item = "WolfSteakMeat";
count = 10;
itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest", "Zone_Belly", "Zone_Pelvis"};
countByZone[] = {3.0, 3.0, 3.0};
quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5, 1};
class ObtainedPelt
item = "WolfPelt";
count = 1;
itemZones[] = {"Zone_Chest", "Zone_Belly"};
quantityCoef = 1;
transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
class ObtainedGuts
item = "Guts";
count = 2;
quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5, 0.8};
class ObtainedLard
item = "Lard";
count = 1;
quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.5, 1};
class ObtainedBones
item = "Bone";
count = 1;
quantityMinMaxCoef[] = {0.7, 1};
transferToolDamageCoef = 1;
class enfanimsys
meshObject = "dz\animals\canis_lupus\Data\canis_lupus_skeleton.xob";
graphname = "dz\animals\animations\!graph_files\Wolf\Wolf_Graph.agr";
defaultinstance = "dz\animals\animations\!graph_files\Wolf\Wolf_AnimInstance.asi";
startnode = "AlignToTerrain_Rot";
skeletonName = "canis_lupus_skeleton.xob";
class AnimEvents
class Steps
class Walk1
soundLookupTable = "PawMediumWalk_LookupTable";
noise = "WolfStepNoise";
effectSet[] = {"WolfStepEffect1", "WolfStepEffect2"};
id = 1;
class Walk2
soundLookupTable = "PawMediumWalk_LookupTable";
noise = "WolfStepNoise";
effectSet[] = {"WolfStepEffect1", "WolfStepEffect2"};
id = 2;
class Walk3
soundLookupTable = "PawMediumWalk_LookupTable";
noise = "WolfStepNoise";
effectSet[] = {"WolfStepEffect1", "WolfStepEffect2"};
id = 3;
class Walk4
soundLookupTable = "PawMediumWalk_LookupTable";
noise = "WolfStepNoise";
effectSet[] = {"WolfStepEffect1", "WolfStepEffect2"};
id = 4;
class Run1
soundLookupTable = "PawMediumRun_LookupTable";
noise = "WolfStepNoise";
effectSet[] = {"WolfStepEffect1", "WolfStepEffect2"};
id = 5;
class Run2
soundLookupTable = "PawMediumRun_LookupTable";
noise = "WolfStepNoise";
effectSet[] = {"WolfStepEffect1", "WolfStepEffect2"};
id = 6;
class Run3
soundLookupTable = "PawMediumRun_LookupTable";
noise = "WolfStepNoise";
effectSet[] = {"WolfStepEffect1", "WolfStepEffect2"};
id = 7;
class Run4
soundLookupTable = "PawMediumRun_LookupTable";
noise = "WolfStepNoise";
effectSet[] = {"WolfStepEffect1", "WolfStepEffect2"};
id = 8;
class Bodyfall
soundLookupTable = "PawMediumBodyfall_LookupTable";
noise = "WolfStepNoise";
effectSet[] = {"WolfStepEffect1", "WolfStepEffect2"};
id = 11;
class Settle
soundLookupTable = "PawMediumSettle_LookupTable";
noise = "WolfStepNoise";
effectSet[] = {"WolfStepEffect1", "WolfStepEffect2"};
id = 12;
class Rest2standA
soundLookupTable = "PawMediumRest2standA_LookupTable";
noise = "WolfStepNoise";
effectSet[] = {"WolfStepEffect1", "WolfStepEffect2"};
id = 13;
class Rest2standB
soundLookupTable = "PawMediumRest2standB_LookupTable";
noise = "WolfStepNoise";
effectSet[] = {"WolfStepEffect1", "WolfStepEffect2"};
id = 14;
class Stand2restA
soundLookupTable = "PawMediumStand2restA_LookupTable";
noise = "WolfStepNoise";
effectSet[] = {"WolfStepEffect1", "WolfStepEffect2"};
id = 15;
class Stand2restB
soundLookupTable = "PawMediumStand2restB_LookupTable";
noise = "WolfStepNoise";
effectSet[] = {"WolfStepEffect1", "WolfStepEffect2"};
id = 16;
class Stand2restC
soundLookupTable = "PawMediumStand2restC_LookupTable";
noise = "WolfStepNoise";
effectSet[] = {"WolfStepEffect1", "WolfStepEffect2"};
id = 17;
class Jump
soundLookupTable = "PawMediumJump_LookupTable";
noise = "WolfStepNoise";
effectSet[] = {"WolfStepEffect1", "WolfStepEffect2"};
id = 18;
class Impact
soundLookupTable = "PawMediumImpact_LookupTable";
noise = "WolfStepNoise";
effectSet[] = {"WolfStepEffect1", "WolfStepEffect2"};
id = 19;
class Sounds
class WolfBark
soundSet = "WolfBark_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 1;
class WolfBark_1
soundSet = "WolfBark_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 61;
class WolfBark_2
soundSet = "WolfBark_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 71;
class WolfBark2
soundSet = "WolfBark2_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 2;
class WolfBark3
soundSet = "WolfBark3_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 3;
class WolfBreath
soundSet = "WolfBreath_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 4;
class WolfGroans
soundSet = "WolfGroans_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 5;
class WolfGrowl_A
soundSet = "WolfGrowl_A_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 6;
class WolfGrowl_B
soundSet = "WolfGrowl_B_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 7;
class WolfGrowl
soundSet = "WolfGrowl_A_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 8;
class WolfPant
soundSet = "WolfPant_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 9;
class WolfPantShort
soundSet = "WolfPantShort_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 10;
class WolfPantLong
soundSet = "WolfPantShort_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 18;
class WolfSnarl
soundSet = "WolfSnarl_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 11;
class WolfSnarlShort
soundSet = "WolfSnarlShort_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 12;
class WolfWhimper
soundSet = "WolfWhimper_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 13;
class WolfYelp
soundSet = "WolfYelp_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 14;
class WolfYawn
soundSet = "WolfYelp_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 15;
class WolfDeath
soundSet = "WolfDeath_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 20;
class WolfHowl
soundSet = "WolfHowl_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 16;
class WolfHowls
soundSet = "WolfHowls_SoundSet";
noise = "WolfRoarNoise";
id = 17;
class Damages
class Bite
damage = "WolfBiteDamage";
id = 1;
class BiteLow
damage = "WolfLowBiteDamage";
id = 2;
class CommandMoveSettings
useSpeedMapping = 1;
movementSpeedMapping[] = {0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.2, 4.5, 12.2};
class CommandLookAtSettings
lookAtFilterTimeout = 0.5;
lookAtFilterSpeed = 1.57;
class CRDTN_PhantomWolfGrey: CRDTN_CreaturePhantomWolfBase
scope = 2;
phantomType = "CRDTN_Creature_Minion_Grey";
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {
class CRDTN_PhantomWolfWhite: CRDTN_CreaturePhantomWolfBase
scope = 2;
phantomType = "CRDTN_Creature_Minion_White";
phantomCount = 10;
phantomSpawnTimer = 2;
phantomSize = 0.2;
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {
class CRDTN_Creature_Minion: Animal_CanisLupus
scope = 0;
displayName = "Psuedo Dog (Minion)";
descriptionShort = "A dog that is not a dog.";
class CRDTN_Creature_Minion_Grey: CRDTN_Creature_Minion
scope = 2;
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {
class CRDTN_Creature_Minion_White: CRDTN_Creature_Minion
scope = 2;
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {
Last updated