Teleport quest with quest event (server)


      "Id": "TestQuest",
      "TakerId": "player",
      "QType": 1,
      "Name": "Test quests",
      "Description": "Complete this quest to teleport to testing area of the quests. This quest uses regular Turn In goal and server events to teleport the player to a location after completion. You can follow up in the config file and respective classes to do something similar.",
      "Goals": [
          "QType": 1,
          "ClassName": "",
          "State": true,
          "Count": 0,
          "Quantity": 0,
          "Value": "",
          "TriggerCoordinate": "",
          "TriggerRadius": 0.0,
          "TriggerId": "",
          "TriggerEventId": "",
          "TriggerSendToClient": false,
          "Description": "Teleport me",
          "KeepItem": false
      "Rewards": [],
      "IsRepeatable": false,
      "PreQuests": [],
      "RepeatDurationHours": 0,
      "EventId": "test_quest_complete",
      "EventSendToClient": true


Always make sure, that you put server based quest event handlers on the server side mod only. It's part of the

modded class QuestEventHandlerServer
    override void OnQuestEvent(PlayerBase questCompleteActor, Quest questDefinition, string eventKey, ref Param params = NULL, ref PlayerIdentity identity = NULL, ref Object target = NULL, bool sendToClient = true)
        if (questCompleteActor == NULL || eventKey == "")
        // Event triggered by the explore trigger in the quest
        if (eventKey == "test_quest_complete")
            questCompleteActor.SetPosition("9817.386719 250.825714 11459.413086");
        super.OnQuestEvent(questCompleteActor, questDefinition, eventKey, params, identity, target, sendToClient);

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