class CfgPatches
class CRDTN_LockedDoors
units[] = {""};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 0.1;
requiredAddons[] = {"DZ_Data", "DZ_Scripts", "CRDTN_Core"};
defines[] = {"CRDTN_LockedDoors"};
class CfgMods
class CRDTN_LockedDoors
name = "CRDTN Locked Doors";
credits = "SajidAlfa models, Freeman code";
author = "";
type = "mod";
dependencies[] = {"Game", "World", "Mission"};
dir = "CRDTN_LockedDoors";
class defs
class gameScriptModule
value = "";
files[] = {"CRDTN_LockedDoors/Scripts/3_Game"};
class worldScriptModule
value = "";
files[] = {"CRDTN_LockedDoors/Scripts/4_World"};
class missionScriptModule
value = "";
files[] = {"CRDTN_LockedDoors/Scripts/5_Mission"};
class imageSets
files[] = {};
class CfgVehicles
class Inventory_Base;
class Lockpick : Inventory_Base {};
class CRDTN_LockedDoors_ItemBase : Inventory_Base
scope = 0;
class CRDTN_Card_LockedDoors : CRDTN_LockedDoors_ItemBase
scope = 0;
hiddenSelections[] = {"zbytek"};
model = "CRDTN_LockedDoors\Models\key\key.p3d";
itemSize[] = {1, 2};
weight = 100;
class CRDTN_Key_LockedDoors : CRDTN_LockedDoors_ItemBase
scope = 0;
hiddenSelections[] = {"zbytek"};
itemSize[] = {1, 1};
weight = 100;
model = "CRDTN_LockedDoors\Models\key\key.p3d";
class CRDTN_Key_Base : CRDTN_Key_LockedDoors
scope = 2;
displayName = "";
descriptionShort = "";
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"CRDTN_LockedDoors\Models\key\data\Key_black.paa"};
stackedUnit = "pc.";
quantityBar = 1;
weight = 20;
varQuantityInit = 1;
varQuantityMin = 0;
varQuantityMax = 1;
varQuantityDestroyOnMin = 1;
destroyOnEmpty = 1;
weightPerQuantityUnit = 0.0;
class CRDTN_Card_Base : CRDTN_Card_LockedDoors
scope = 2;
displayName = "";
descriptionShort = "";
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"CRDTN_LockedDoors\Models\key\data\Key_black.paa"};
class CRDTN_AdminLockPick : Lockpick
scope = 2;
displayName = "Admin Lockpick";
keys[] = {"CRDTN_KeyMaster"};
class CRDTN_AdminLockPick_PoliceStation : CRDTN_AdminLockPick
displayName = "Police Station Admin Lockpick";
keys[] = {"CRDTN_Key_Universal_PoliceStation"};
descriptionShort = "This key locks the door and sets the config to use the universal police station key";
class CRDTN_AdminLockPick_Medical : CRDTN_AdminLockPick
displayName = "Medical Admin Lockpick";
keys[] = {"CRDTN_Key_Universal_Medical"};
descriptionShort = "This key locks the door and sets the config to use the universal medical key";
class CRDTN_AdminLockPick_Universal : CRDTN_AdminLockPick
displayName = "Universal Admin Lockpick";
keys[] = {"CRDTN_Key_Universal"};
descriptionShort = "This key locks the door and sets the config to use the universal key";
class CRDTN_KeyMaster : CRDTN_Key_Base
scope = 2;
displayName = "Skeleton key";
descriptionShort = "Can open any door in Chernarus.";
class CRDTN_Key_Universal : CRDTN_Key_Base
scope = 2;
displayName = "Universal key";
descriptionShort = "This key unlocks most of the common door locks across Chernarus.";
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"CRDTN_LockedDoors\Models\key\data\Key_blue.paa"};
class CRDTN_Key_Universal_PoliceStation : CRDTN_Key_Base
scope = 2;
displayName = "Police Station Key";
descriptionShort = "Special security key used by the police of Chernarus.";
class CRDTN_Key_Universal_Medical : CRDTN_Key_Base
scope = 2;
displayName = "Medical Key";
descriptionShort = "Special security key used by medical services from Chernarus";
Last updated