Client Side
This is a high level overview of how the Client side mod is structured. If you are not familiar with some of the points, please give me a comment on Discord or here and I will do my best to help.
Last updated
This is a high level overview of how the Client side mod is structured. If you are not familiar with some of the points, please give me a comment on Discord or here and I will do my best to help.
Last updated
Currently ready to complete quest
Ready quest to complete is green
Quest required by the current giver is surrounded by square brackets []
Available quests to take at the current giver
Quests that are currently available to take are white and in the active quests section
Currently active quests
Quests that are active at player
If the quest is surrounded by square brackets, but it's yellow, it means that you are at the quest giver who you can complete the quest, once you complete that.
Goals of the currently selected quest