📜Explore goal

If the TakerId is player, the quest will be available in the player's questlog. But do not forget to add player into the QuestGivers object in Quest.json

Trigger ID field is used for the server side register of the trigger object spawned in the world. This ID needs to be unique so the server side script is able to handle removal and spawn of these triggers.

      "Id": "exploreQuest1",
      "TakerId": "player",
      "QType": 3,
      "Name": "Explore Quest",
      "Description": "Explore the zone",
      "Goals": [
          "QType": 3,
          "TriggerCoordinate": "8836.527344 2.380000 2293.031250",
          "TriggerRadius": 50.0,
          "TriggerId": "bridge",
          "Description": "Explore "
      "Rewards": [
          "RewardType": 1,
          "ClassName": "Thermometer",
          "Amount": 3
      "IsRepeatable": false,
      "PreQuests": [],
      "RepeatDurationHours": 0

Last updated