A client/server side mod which is a foundation for my other mods. It's a simple package with various functions that can be used across multiple mods and server owners can benefit from those in their custom mods. Server side mod is not required. You can also use this mod as allows server owners extend their game experience by adding my notification UI and custom sounds.
For those who are not very familiar with scripting, I would suggest to take a look on the documentation or join my discord and ask for help. It's a nice simple mod which can help you to get things sorted out and maybe understand better how to structure a simple mod.
This mod is important for the other CRDTN mods to get things organized and consistent so please be aware that repacking of this mod does not bring you any benefit. Rather visit a public github repository with a source code and do some study or read the docs.
Features in nutshell:
Sound upon login to game
Event handler
Generic UI List Entry and UI Menu
[In Progress] Preparation of Post Processing requester
[In Progress] Preparation of Camera utility class for easier manipulation with camera
Config $profiles/CRDTN/CRDTN_Core.json
If you don't like the notification look & feel, you can always use the vanilla notifications by putting the following value in the config to CRDTN_Notifications parameter
Usable sound sets
You can use various Sound Sets from the mod which are licenced or aquired songs with permission from their respective authors. Please bare in mind that commercial usage of these sound effects is strictly prohibited so before you want to use this song in your mod, please raise a support ticket on my discord and we can allow you to use it. There is no need to steal this thing and do it without a permission. Some songs are used from the bought asset packs for Unity and some are acquired with the permission from Good Malware or Magnality. Both authors are members of my discord channel so if you want to contact them, do not hesitate to join the discord and write them a message.
Usable font
If you like the fond of CRDTN mods, you can search for Rajdhani or use following variants of font:
Thank you for checking out my Mod. Creating and maintaining mods takes time and effort, but I enjoy every moment of it. If you've found my Mod useful, entertaining, or it has enhanced your gaming experience in any way, and you feel inclined to support my work, I would sincerely appreciate any contribution you can make.
Donations are completely optional and not expected, but they do go a long way in helping me continue developing and improving this Mod. Your generosity enables me to invest more time and resources into creating new features, fixing bugs, and providing ongoing support to the community.
Last updated